SHARE representatives

If you have questions, please contact a rep in your area or near your area. The name marked with a * are also members of the SHARE Executive Board.

If you are interested in becoming a union leader, Rep Elections happen each Fall!

SHARE Reps from CCU

George Boley*

Charles Gayflor*

Danielle Brewster

Jeffrey Nash

SHARE Reps from the Main Campus

Samantha Jimenez*, Animal Medicine

Valerie Mount*, Animal Medicine

Theresa Kane*, Dean's Office - Testing

Christopher Barry, Animal Medicine

Karen Tilli, Animal Medicine

Eileen Fraioli, ASC-Lab Glass Cleaning Svc

Karen Lekas, Biochemistry & Molecular Pharm

Carlos Ortiz, FS-Asset Management

Alexa Lee Williams, Psychiatry-Clinical Research

Jeremy Skalin, Public Safety

SHARE Reps from South Street (mostly remote)

Dineia Williams*, Disability & Community Based Solutions

Belinda O'Brien, Disability & Community Based Solutions

Corrina Poole, Clinical Pharmacy Services

Sherrie Carey, Specialty Programs

Renee Dozois, Specialty Programs